Plants for the future

Plants for the future

Back to overview May 03, 2023 Plants for the future Last week, we did it for the third time: All hands on deck and plant trees for the future! For making a contribution to environment protection that is sustainable and durable, we donate annually one euro per invoice...
Second time gold-status in CSR-rating

Second time gold-status in CSR-rating

Back to overview June 01, 2023 Second time Gold-status in CSR-rating Destilla reached gold status in the CSR rating of EcoVadis this year again. This means that we kept our high CSR standards. In 2022, we were honoured with the gold status for the first time. Since...
Strong voice for SMEs in the flavour industry

Strong voice for SMEs in the flavour industry

Back to overview December 05, 2022 Strong voice for SMEs in the flavour industry Strong voice for the medium sized companies in the flavour industry Destilla’s CEO, Matthias Thienel, was elected to become the deputy of the chairman of the DVAI, the German association...
Innovative strength from Nördlingen

Innovative strength from Nördlingen

Back to overview November 20, 2022 Innovative strenght from Nördlingen The power to innovate in Noerdlingen Destilla is one of the 100 most innovative SMEs in Germany. The strategic adviser Munich Strategy and the magazine WirtschaftsWoche elect annually the most...
Destilla at BioFach

Destilla at BioFach

Back to overview July 26, 2022 Destilla at BioFach Finally time for exhibitions again! After a long wait, we attended BIOFACH in Nuremberg from 26-29 July 2022. We were able to celebrate our premiere as an exhibitor at the unique “Summer Edition”. With...
Successful graduates

Successful graduates

Back to overview July 18, 2022 Successful graduates Education and training are central pillars of Destilla’s human resources policy. With these means, we create continuous improvement for ourselves and our customers. In times of shortage of skilled workers, we...