July 18, 2022
Successful graduates

Education and training are central pillars of Destilla’s human resources policy. With these means, we create continuous improvement for ourselves and our customers. In times of shortage of skilled workers, we are positioning ourselves for the future and offer our colleagues a long-term perspective.
We are all the more pleased that once again three former apprentices have successfully completed their 3-year training and are now strengthening our team. Annelie Häfele will support our sales team from now on. Lina Biller and Peter Fuhrmann will work as distillers in our production areas and produce high-quality essences for our customers.
We are also proud of Patrick Beck and Markus Grau. Both have successfully completed their master courses. As a Bachelor Professional of Juice and Beverage Markus Grau can now respond even better to the needs of our customers from the beverage sector. Patrick Beck is now a Bachelor Professional of Food and is even better able to implement our customers’ specifications in our R[&]D work.
We congratulate our graduates and are very happy that all of them will continue to spend their professional future with Destilla.