June 01, 2023
Second time Gold-status in CSR-rating
Destilla reached gold status in the CSR rating of EcoVadis this year again. This means that we kept our high CSR standards. In 2022, we were honoured with the gold status for the first time.
Since 2017, we follow the strict requests of EcoVadis, because sustainability is very important to us. The companies have to show their social, ecological and economical sustainability standards. For 2023, we reached 72 of 100 points in total. We are one of the top-3 percent of the companies in this rating. We are very happy, especially about the points in the subcategory „ecological sustainability“ because we reached 80 of 100 points. We support environment protection projects and work hard on our emissions reduction to reach the 1.5°-goal of the Paris climate agreement.
Our goal for the next years is to improve our CSR standards. We work hard to create a more social handling with each other and to improve the urgently needed environment- and climate protection. Together, we can make the world a bit better.