November 20, 2022
Innovative strenght from Nördlingen

The power to innovate in Noerdlingen
Destilla is one of the 100 most innovative SMEs in Germany.
The strategic adviser Munich Strategy and the magazine WirtschaftsWoche elect annually the most innovative SMEs in Germany. For the third time in a row, the Destilla GmbH is part of the ranking and with this, one of the most innovative 100 SMEs. With that, Destilla as a company in the flavour industry, emphasises its ambition to be an innovation driver for the German and the international food- and beverage-industry.
In 2020, Destilla was part of the ranking for the first time. Since then, Destilla was continuously part of the ranking, made by Munich strategy and WirtschaftsWoche. For reaching the ranking as a TOP-Innovator, Destilla had to go through a process with various steps. At the end, Destilla was chosen out of 4,000 companies to be a TOP 100 company. For the calculation of the scores, aspects like turnover- and earnings performance, investments for research and development, expert opinions, and number of product innovations in the market of the companies, are used.
“We are very happy about this award, as it is a confirmation for our vision and our daily work at Destilla”, explained Matthias Thienel and added: “Together with our customers, we want to create the food and beverages of tomorrow and want to be an active idea provider and innovation driver in this process.” For this goal, Destilla invests 20% of its turnover annually in research and development. In addition, our purchase department searches for new raw materials and our marketing department does intensive market research.
“These efforts are honoured with this award as one of the most innovative SMES in Germany”, said Armin Thienel happily. “To be called in a row with industry giants in the food industry like Rügenwalder Mühle, Frsota, Ankerkraut, True Fruits and Rabehosrt makes us proud and motivates us at the same time, to following continuously our chosen way”, added Armin Thienel.
For the future, Destilla develops itself really good. The investments in research and development are planned to stay on a high level. In the following years, innovative product concepts will offer an advantage to the customers and consumers. In addition, the expansion of the new productions site in the industrial area “Steinerner Mann” in Nördlingen is in the planning phase. It is planned to start the construction in 2023.
With these measures, the company does not only want to hold but wants to improve its innovation power to be an innovative and reliable partner for the food- and beverage industry to create together with its customers the trends and products for tomorrow.