October 21, 2023
Destilla represented at the largest regional apprenticeship fair
On Saturday, October 21, 2023, the annual fair “Berufswegekompass” took place in Harburg. With a total of 150 exhibitors and 405 job profiles, the “BWK” developed in recent years as the largest apprenticeship fair in our region.
Also this year Destilla was present with a booth on site as well as a sponsor. The apprenticeship fair offers a very good opportunity to present our apprenticeship program to numerous pupils and to answer important questions.
At our booth, it was possible to have a personal talk with our apprentices of the professions chemical laboratory technician, distiller and warehouse logistics specialist.
We are particularly pleased that we were able to celebrate our 15th participation at the “Berufswegekompass” in Harburg this year and to receive an award from the organizers on the day of the fair.
Many thanks to the organizers around the members of the “Wirtschaftsjunioren Donau-Ries” for the great organization of the apprenticeship fair!