November 08, 2021

Destilla becomes a part of the Bavarian climate pact

Destilla Teil des Klimapakt Bayern

Destilla is now part of the Bavarian Environment + Climate Pact. This is an agreement between the Bavarian State Government and the Bavarian business community based on voluntariness, personal responsibility and cooperation.

In the Environmental and Climate Pact of Bavaria, the Bavarian State Government and the participating companies declare their common conviction that the natural foundations of life can be better protected with the help of voluntary and reliable cooperation between the state and business than with laws and regulations alone.

The Bavarian Environment + Climate Pact sees itself as an initiator of new ways, methods and topics with the goal of sustainable development in Bavaria. The overriding goal is to improve the ecological, economic and social foundations of present and future generations in Bavaria.

We as Destilla support the following points of the agreement, among others:

  • Limit and manage climate change, advance the energy turnaround
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Using raw materials efficiently and sustainably
  • Biodiversity: making it attractive for companies and demonstrating responsibility
  • Strengthening environmentally oriented management in companies